So Why Haven't More White Guys Been Pimps Without Gub'ment Intervention?

I knew this would come up. I don't think it's racism, but black pimps have told me that most white guys genetically lack the charisma necessary to be pimps. Obviously I made it so you can too. It may just take some extra work.

Why Is Pimpin' Illegal?

No one knows. In all of the old movies they have ho's and there can't be ho's without pimps. The mayor, the sheriff -- everybody hung out with the ho's. Look at James Arness in "Gunsmoke" -- he was always with a ho -- and he was the first guy off the boat at Anzio!! So if American war heroes can hang out with ho's, you can too. Somewhere between "Gunsmoke" and today pimpin' became illegal, even in Massachusetts.

Why Do Ho's Need A Pimp?

Why does the sun come up? It's a mutual relationship. Ho's need a business manager and there's nobody better than a pimp. If pimps had been running Enron the company would still show no earnings but the investors would all be wearing 'Gators and diamond-rimmed sunglasses.

Was Huggy Bear A Pimp?

No. He was an actor, like Tupac.

Is Pimpin' An Older Profession Than Ho'in?

If ho'in is the world's oldest profession, pimpin' must surely be the second oldest. The Bible makes ample references to ho'in and also alludes to pimps. "Do not ho out thy daughter, to cause her to be a ho, lest the land fall to ho'dom, and the land become full of wickedness," warns Leviticus 19:29. See? Even that Leviticus guy was a pimp. And if the Bible tells you so, pimpin' must be okay.

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My name is Player McPimp.

I wasn't born with that name, I had to earn it, and it wasn't easy. Like you I was a lame white guy who saw the glamour and glitz of the pimpin' industry and could only dream about being a part of it. I'm here to help make your dream come true.

It used to be that society had fixed rules: only Jews played basketball, black guys didn't swim and white guys didn't pimp. Thanks to our modern, enlightened society all of that has been thrown out the window. We have black guys playing lots of sports -- heck, Tiger Woods is even so good at golf that Augusta National is giving him his very own drinking fountain. Jews can now swim too and, thanks to Gub'ment regulation Title LXIX recently enacted by Congress, white guys will be pimpin' more and more.

If you aren't aware Title LXIX says in section U8ME, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of race, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination regarding pimping or similar activity by any taxpayer or Federal employee." This is great news for all of you white guys who wanted to be pimps but found yourself shut out of this lucrative profession by the power structure in place.

"Wait," you're probably saying to yourself, "It's great that I now can't be prevented from pimping because I'm a white guy, but how does that help me against the other pimps who held a monopoly for so long????"

Good question. As always, the gub'ment has the best solution. Since white people are about sixty percent of the US population, Title LXIX goes on to mandate that 60% of the pimps should be white. "Wait," you're probably asking yourself, "How can they enforce that? How will they know if I am losing customers when the racially dominant pimps tell tricks that my ho's have a white pimp and the tricks get turned off?" It's easy. The gub'ment is your friend. They have great tools that they can take advantage of, like profiling. See, in some right-wing states ( like Massachusetts, I think) pimpin' is still illegal. So Title LXIX says that for the first ten years the gub'ment can use profiling to make sure that white guys are arrested less often than the black men that are racially dominant in the pimpin' industry.

Anyway, enough about the law stuff. You didn't come here because you wanted to be gub'ment lawyer . Unlike gub'ment lawyers, our pimps actually get sex.

I am here to help because I was once like you. Most pimps go through an apprenticeship program with an older mentor pimp but I couldn't find one. No one came right out and said it was because I was white but I think that had something to do with it.

So I had to learn the hard way and I made all of the rookie mistakes. On this website you will find out how to avoid those mistakes so you can be part of the lucrative pimpin' industry right away.

Read on my brothers in pimpdom.

Player MacPimp


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